Street Photography With HWS Team at old city { Azhakhan Zehra, Purani Haveli and Darul Shifa }

For the last couple of weeks, I have been visiting the old city of Hyderabad as part of a group called HWS (Hyderabad weekend shots). These are Azhakhan Zehra, Purani Haveli and Darul Shifa. To say that I found the old Hyderabad to be full of street-stories would be an understatement. Every nook and corner of the street presented before me a life of its own, with lots of shades n characters. I have tried by best to capture some of it for you. Let me know how you find it…

Are we in a hurry??Are we in a hurry??

Mirror MazeMirror Maze

Street is Colorfulstreet is colorful

Leaving this Story UntoldLeaving this Story Untold

Ready for TakeoffReady for Takeoff